01st April 2024 - 04:40:14 AM
My name is Julianne Roth. My father, Michael Roth, was born in Petelea (Birk) in 1941 at House #310 (I believe this is the house near the Lutheran church, on the corner that was known as Muehlgasse). It has been a dream of mine to visit Birk, and this summer I, along with my husband and two sons, will be making the journey to Transylvania. We are so excited!
I am looking for connections, people we could meet to tell us a bit about life in Petelea today. If anyone is interested in meeting with us, we would be very eager and grateful!
Thank you for your help!
22nd August 2020 - 09:33:32 PM
Dear Meagan,
I have replied to your post. Please check your email.
Best regard,
26th June 2020 - 03:34:47 AM
Hello! I am the great granddaughter of Stephan and Katharine Dienesch and granddaughter of Fred Dienesch. I would love to know if I have more relatives out there, or any stories about my family or Birk. I don’t want our history to fade and would like to learn as much as possible. If anyone still sees this, please reach out! My email is meagan.marie1117@gmail.com
#45 Posted by
16th January 2018 - 08:17:07 AM
Google link:
https://www.google.nl/maps/place/Petelea,+Roemeni%C3% AB/@46.737206,24.6917026,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4 74a3620a3cebdcb:0xc1714a3439c2b17a!8m2!3d46.7294376!4d24 .7086784?dcr=0
02nd January 2018 - 10:41:18 PM
My Grandmother Susanna Zehra(Krautner) and mother Susanna(Kern) were both from Birk. I'd like to visit their home village but would like to know what it is now called.