#43 Posted by
Susi Burn
24th March 2017 - 05:40:28 AM
Meine Tante Maria Lette (geb. Menyes, Haus Nr. 20) starb im Altersheim Traun, Oesterreich. Sie starb am 22. Maerz 2017 und war beinahe 93 Jahre alt. Ihre 4 Kinder, samt ihren Familien, leben alle in Ober- und Niederoesterreich. Ich werde sie sehr vermissen wenn ich Europa wieder besuche. Schlafe in Frieden.
24th March 2017 - 05:34:59 AM
Sadly I have to report the death of my aunt Maria Lette (nee Menyes, from house No. 20) at the age of almost 93. She lived in a retirement home in Traun, Austria and passed away there on 22 March 2017. Her 4 children and all their families live in Upper and Lower Austria. She was the only person I could speak "Saxon" with when on a visit to Europe. I will miss her very much. RIP
16th February 2017 - 05:03:09 AM
* Maria Fandl (nee Schertzer) passed away in Illinois on 7 February 2017. Her dearest wish was to visit her birthplace Birk with members of her family.. She achieved this goal in June 2016. RIP
26th October 2016 - 12:03:18 AM
Son of Michael Rehner who was born in Birk in 1927. Grandson of Katrina Gellner born in 1905.
17th February 2015 - 02:20:48 PM
Son (1949) of Stephan Dienesch 1898-1977 and Katharine (Menyes) 1906-1987 (Geb. Birk Siebenburgen) and brother of Katharine (1924-2002) and Frederick 1936-