10th February 2006 - 11:46:13 PM
Salut Gabriel,
Numărul lor de telefon poate fi găsit la: ml#M
Numai bine,
03rd February 2006 - 10:02:56 AM
Transmit multe salutări celor care au reușit să realizeze această pagină.
Vreau să cunosc pe cei care poartă familia Maloș.
11th January 2006 - 05:29:14 PM
Sad news,
My mother Katharina Schertzer(Weiss) Sept 10 1919 passed away on Oct 1st 2005. She was born in Birk to John and Katharina Weiss. She had 3 visits to Birk in the 60s70sand80s and spoke often of her life there before the war changed everything.
Related to Dienesch, Gellner' Schatz,Scholler, House # 9 # 8 # 270
#15 Posted by
23rd November 2005 - 02:54:14 PM
Petelea cea mai tare comuna.Sa stie!!!!!!!!!!!1
17th November 2005 - 08:28:04 PM
Foarte frumoasa initiativa.Felicitari!