04th April 2003 - 07:54:09 AM
Liebe Freunde!
Ich freue mich �ber Eure Home-page und gratuliere dazu sehr
herzlich.Gerne erinnere ich mich an die sch�nen Stunden in Birk. Mit Gru�
.Schinagl, Alberndorf -�sterreich
#2 Posted by
01st February 2003 - 04:18:10 PM
The English translation on your website is good. I am American, but my mother and her mother (and so on) were born in "Birk." They emmigrated to Austria during WWII. My grandmother now lives in Germany and my mother is here in Pennsylvania. I will show her this website. I'm sure she'll enjoy it.
01st February 2003 - 12:26:39 PM
Enjoy the guestbook,