16th December 2010 - 07:03:13 AM
Sadly I have to announce the death of Susanna Schertzer (Timmy) / Menyes (house No. 357) on 2 October 2010 shortly before her 87th birthday. She passed away peacefully in hospital in Linz, Austria. Susanna is survived by her only daughter and family who live in Australia. She is greatly missed.
25th September 2008 - 06:10:15 PM
Incercind sa aflu cit mai mult despre arborle genealogic al familiei Ilioviciu am gasit in istoricul acestei localitati pe popa I. Ilioviciu stramos de-al meu despre care tata imi spunea cind eram copil. Informatiile ce le detin sint foarte vagi si as dori sa gasesc pe cineva care ar stii mai mult. As dori sa vizitez Petelea cind o sa trec in vizita prin tara, sa vad aceste meleaguri ale tari ne cunoscute pentru mine.
Dan Ilioviciu
Illinois, US.
18th September 2008 - 01:49:03 PM
We will get to petelea at 20 september 2008. A group of peoples from Gallneukirchen visit this town.
Kindly regards from Austria!
#30 Posted by
bill gates
30th March 2008 - 12:52:44 AM
Mah sa faceti trotuar pe ulitza!!!
Daca nu va inivit, d-le primar, in special, la o plimbare prin noroi, cand ploua!!!
& apoi sa mergetzi si dvs. la scoala, servici, sau undeva, nu stiu unde... Cu incaltamintea murdara... Ati putea sa faceti macar atat si petru NOI !!! Danke schon!!!
05th January 2008 - 09:19:16 PM
I have just received the sad news that my godmother Maria (Schatz) Schertzer (born 1921, house No 35) died in Illinois, USA on 6 December 2007. She was a very cheerful lady who loved her garden, handicrafts and most of all her large family. According to her, the boat trip from Europe to America in the mid-1950's was a nightmare. She vowed - and kept her word - that she would never leave her new homeland again.
Maria (Schatz) Schertzer is survived by four daughters, one son and their families. They all live in USA.