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Hardware/Software News

Mai 13, 2008:

Petelea has its own domain:
Find more about the server (20 seconds to load).

June 29, 2005:

Problem solved!

June 28, 2005:

Server is down due to the power supply failure. It will take several days to replace the defective part. In the meantime, you can only access the backup page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

April 9, 2005:

On April 14 between 00:00AM and 12:00PM CET only the backup page will be available. During this time our IP will upgrade the network.

April 8, 2005:

We've patched the system. Hopefully, it will last more than a week. Enjoy the web-page (again)

April 7, 2005:

This morning some bad sectors appeared on the main hard-drive of the server. Unfortunately, the apache web server has been affected by this. We apologies for any inconvenience. We'll try to replace the hard-disk asap, hopefully before the end of April :-(. In the meantime you can only access the backup page.

February 15, 2005:

Finally, after a long discussion, or rather fight, with our Internet Providers, we have an Internet connection. Enjoy the web-page

December 4, 2004: SERVER RELOCATION

Beginning with the 10th of January 2005, the main site located at will cease to exist. We are are currently looking for a replacement. The backup page located at will continue to exist. However, neither the guestbook nor the search function will work.

August 27, 2004:

The main server will be relocated on Friday evening between 21:00 and 22:30 CET. During this time only the backup page will be accessible. New images from Petelea will be available within one week.

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